Tuesday, February 28, 2006

leaving Barra

We left Barra de Navidad this morning and spent 2 hours at the fuel dock waiting to fuel up. Only one pump was operating and some idiot changed their oil on one of the open slip sides for more than 2 hours. Anyhow, the French baker paid us a visit and I loaded up on little pies, danishes, baguettes, and croissants so that part was fine.
We are motor sailing up to Tenacatita, a few hours for the 15 mile trip.

Ian and Jonah did not want to leave. Ian wanted to provision and hang out again today, Jonah wanted to go to the swimming pool. I am feeling like a prune from all the sun and water so I am ready for a days passage.

Yesterday we shopped. We walked all over town at least twice checking out all the little tiendas, visiting the produce lady, the butcher shop etc. There is no one market that is much larger than your average living room so for some reason I visited at least 4 and some more than once trying to provision for 10 days.

I got the stats on that giant blue marlin: 300 kilos (660 lbs) and 7 meters long. The man said it was a record. Unfortunately the meat is not good for human eating when the fish is old. I must go, Jonah is begging for the French baker's goodies.


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